Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Make Something: Wafle z Mlekiem w Proszku

      1 opakowanie wafli
      2 szklanki mleka w proszku
      1 masło (kostka)
      1 szklanka cukru
      1/2 sklanki mleka
      3 łyżki kakao

W garnuszku rozpuszczamy mleko z cukrem, kakaem oraz masłem. Studzimy.
Do chłodnej masy przesiewamy mleko w proszku i delikatnie miksujemy, aby nie powstały grudki.
Na wafel rozsmarowujemy masą, dociskając kolejnym suchym waflem i tak, aż do skończenia składników.
Okręcamy w folię aluminiową i kładziemyna wafle ciężką książkę, aby wafle się nie zniekształciły. Po kilku godzinach możemy włożyć do lodówki.
Gotowe kroimy w kwadraty albo trójkąty.

  Wafers with powdered milk based filling

A few days ago Kalah decided to have a fall feast so that our group of friends could a thanksgiving dinner with each other. Since it was a potluck I used it an opportunity to try making the wafelki. I've never made them by myself before, but luckily they really aren't all that complicated to make.

For the first part, I had to heat the milk, cocoa powder, butter, and sugar until everything was melted and mixed. All the quantities of ingredients were pretty reasonable until I reached the sugar. Ayla, who was working on her dish for the potluck, watched as I poured the sugar. "Meggan, how much sugar do you need? I think that's enough sugar. Omg, just how much sugar do you need?"

A lot* apparently
*around 3 cups
Now came the longest part, waiting for the mixture to cool. Apparently that stuff holds heat really well. Eventually the it had cooled enough the add the powdered milk. 

Always read the instructions on a box before you open it. You never know when there will be a handy pour spout that would make things so much easier. 

Now that all the ingredients were combine, the mixture was ready to be spread over the wafers.  This ended up somewhat being a race against time since the mixture slowly solidifies over time. 

And so I spread the mixture over the wafers then placed the next wafer on top.

And voila, completed wafelki, just waiting to be cut into little squares

I let the wafelki cool for around an hour while Ayla finished cooking her spaetzle, then we headed over to Kalah's for the potluck. I'd expected to have some leftovers to take home but instead they devoured the dessert. People kept running downstairs in the middle of Cards Against Humanity to get more of them and if anyone brought a plate back it was empty in a few minutes.

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